Field Trip
The last time Lana was in this transport incubator, she was only 1 lb 7 oz... Now she's tipping the scales at 9 lb 11oz.
Lana is going on her second field trip to get a follow up MRI to check her brain. Her first field trip was when she was born and flown via helicopter from Sugar Land. This time, she's only going downstairs to the first floor for her MRI. We're praying that it will turn out reasonably well. She had a grade 1 brain bleed when she was first born, but it soon resolved.
She has also been weaning off her sedatives but some days are tough for her. Occasionally she has withdrawal symptoms that is concerning such as, agitation, diarrhea, regurgitation, heavy sweating. Of course this causes her to be restless and she becomes irritable. The plan is to wean at an even slower rate, but not too slow that she doesn't get the necessary stimulation she needs.
Her breathing status has been relatively the same since she decided to extubate herself. I don't think they are planning to make any changes to that until she is completely off her sedation meds. We will continue to pray that Lana will soon tolerate being off her medication so that she may continue to develop and mature.
Also, I just wanted to mention how proud we are of Lana's big sister Hailey. She noticed that Lana was getting baths from a small tub that she can now barely fit in. So she used her own Christmas money to buy her sister a bigger tub! Hailey is almost 7, but her maturity and kindness amazes her mother and I.