Twas The Night Before Christmas
'Twas the night before Christmas, in the neonatal intensive care,
all the babies were sleeping, while sounds of alarms, filled the air.
The nurses making rounds, double-checking their meds,
while tucking the little babies, snug deep in their beds.
The stethoscopes were hung, by the preemies with care,
in hopes that they would all soon, be breathing room air.
When out in the hall, there arose such a clatter,
the nurses came running, to see what was the matter.
Up from the desk, the tech flew with a fret,
to make sure all was well, in each baby's isolette.
The respiratory therapist, arrived on the double,
but the babies were all okay, on their oxygen and bubble.
The nurse practitioner was baffled, and exclaimed in a tiff,
"Is this really happening tonight? And on my THIRD shift?"
When what to their wondering eyes should appear?
but a man in a suit, who loved the babies so dear.
With a clipboard in hand, and a velvet satchel too,
they knew at that moment; he must be St. NICU.
He was dressed in red scrubs, from his tip to his toe,
and wearing surgical gloves, so the germs would not grow!
He was a jolly old fellow, with a few extra pounds,
but that didn't stop him, from making his rounds.
He saw babies in boxes, with tubes and with wires,
preemies and term infants, and their parent's desires-
To hold and to rock, to kiss and kangaroo,
They had Christmas wishes, but only these few.
Snuggling the little one, he wrapped him so tight,
he handed the baby, to his mom with delight.
A smile arose from her mouth, with great joy,
for this was the moment, she dreamed to have, with her boy.
Visiting each baby, and their concerned parents too,
He knew right there and then, there was something special about the NICU.
Placing his hands, on each little head,
kissing their foreheads, he winked, and he said-
"Tiny babies so strong, with determination and might,
so this is where you come, to live and to fight."
"To breathe and to grow, and to learn how to eat,
what a difficult journey, but such an amazing feat."
He had a sparkle in his eye, and a hop in his step,
as he approached the isolettes, and whispered secrets he'd kept-
"Precious little babies, you are loved, so dear,
by your parents, your nurses, and ALL the staff here."
"Keep fighting the fight, and showing your power,
and you will grow stronger, with each passing hour."
Decorating the hallways, with ribbon and tape,
he strung lights on the warmers, the ventilators, and drapes.
He smiled and waved, as he passed by the cribs,
and left presents of pacifiers, and cute little bibs.
His mission was simple, to bring joy where there's sorrow,
and to remind all of the parents, of a brighter tomorrow.
This Christmas may be spent, behind the walls of the NICU,
but there's love to be found here, and precious miracles too!
He brought hope to the families, and smiles to the nurses,
as he flew by the monitors, and placed Purell in their purses.
And with a twinkle and a twirl, he disappeared out of sight,
But not before he exclaimed, "Merry Christmas to all" and "keep up the fight!"
-by Jodi Dolezel RN (
Lana's Christmas Tree with an ornament that says "Baby's 1st Christmas"
Girls' night out with the evening shift. =)