Goldilocks and the 3 Vents

Lana seems to be settled down for now. The goal is to have her rest and hopefully let her lungs develop and also recover back all the portions that have collapsed. Her pulmonary hypertension remains an issue, but vascular changes usually takes time to improve. Time will be her best medicine. 

She is currently sedated so that she doesn’t try to fight with the ventilator (she's very adept at doing this). Her ABGs (Arterial Blood Gas) are routinely monitored to observe her respiratory function. She has been retaining CO2, but at least her oxygenation seems to be trending in the right direction. It took several attempts to get her to this point. She was put on 3 different types of mechanical ventilators. The third type they tried on her seems to do the trick.  Although she is still very much in critical condition, she is having a better day today. It's nerve racking because things could change drastically in a matter of moments. Friday she was on a nasal cannula, Sunday she was back on CPAP, and by Tuesday evening she was being intubated. =(

Lana on the HFOV (High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilator) delivering oxygen and nitric oxide.

Lana on the HFOV (High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilator) delivering oxygen and nitric oxide.

I took some photos with my phone yesterday just to illustrate the madness that took place. 

It might be hard to tell, but there were 8 people in her room. It was like this for the good chunk of the day.

It might be hard to tell, but there were 8 people in her room. It was like this for the good chunk of the day.

She went through a total of 3 different types of vents yesterday. She's just like Goldilocks because she has to get it... just right.

She went through a total of 3 different types of vents yesterday. She's just like Goldilocks because she has to get it... just right.

TPN, Vancomycin, Morphine, Midazolam.

TPN, Vancomycin, Morphine, Midazolam.