Oh, The Places You'll Go

“Sometimes you will take one step forward, and then two steps back”, is what Lana’s neonatologist told us right before she was delivered. However, the last few days feels like more of a full on back pedal. Her oxygen requirements are maxed out on the highest vent settings, but her oxygen saturations aren’t as high as we would like it to be. She is currently receiving a morphine drip to keep her settled because she is easily agitated at the moment. Her urine output were low this morning, which suggests poor oxygen perfusion to her kidneys. The goal is to let her recover and also allow for less workload on her lungs. Thus, she was placed on another type of ventilator called a High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilator (HFOV). Stimulation must be minimized as much as possible, so lights are dimmed and noises are kept low. (Pathophysiology & Treatment)

Lana also has several machines parked in her room. I didn't think they could all even fit... 

Since, we have been requested to keep noises to a minimum, I haven't been able to read the book I've been reading almost daily to Lana. In lieu of this, I will simply share a few pages from her book. The book is, "Oh, The Places You'll Go!" by Dr.Seuss