No more sedatives!
Lana bear had a pretty good weekend. She’s slowly learning how to bottle feed, and at one point she was actually able to drink 120mL during one of her feedings. Of course she does get tired, and sometimes she’s not interested in drinking at all. I’m confident that in due time she will pick it up. For now, the plan is to let her feed for 20 minutes, and whatever she doesn’t finish then they will feed it through her feeding tube. Learning to feed by mouth is one of the big things on her check list before going home. Hopefully with a little more practice she will have it all figured out.
Lana gets "hangry"
Moreover, they have discontinued her Morphine completely starting today. We pray that she will not many withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes she gets agitated, but personally, I don’t know if it’s really a true withdrawal sign, or just because she just needs something else. There were times where she is crying inconsolably, but ultimately, she just wanted to be held. Lastly, there are weaning her breathing support to 1 Liter (down from 2L).
Hailey had her birthday party over the weekend, and we realize how much we would really like to celebrate momentous occasions together as a family. With God’s blessings and the people who continue to pray for our family, I’m certain we will be able to do so in due time.