Lana’s last echo was done before the weekend and they noted it as being large. The pediatric cardiologist is considering giving her Lasix (a loop diuretic) in hopes of allowing the PDA to close, since a large fluid volume can keep the flap open. They are allowing her some time to have it close without any surgical interventions. However, they may act on it sooner if her pulmonary hypertension does not improve. We remain hopeful that she will continue to progress. She has already surpassed several milestones. We even gave her a check list.
The goal for this week is to acclimate her to bottle / breast feeding. It will likely be a lot of trial and error, but once she is able to do this, her feeding tube can finally be removed. =)
Again, we would like to thank everyone for their support and prayers. You all have kept our hearts full of hope, and our bodies full of strength to endure this journey. We are truly blessed. A wise man once said, "There are two things that define you: Your attitude when things are going your way, and your patience when they aren't".