It's Always Worth the Fight
Lana is scheduled for another ECHO today to keep an eye on her PDA, and also track the progression of a possible pulmonary hypertension due to the PDA. If it starts to worsen, then they may opt for surgery as opposed to waiting for it to close. However, surgery in and of itself carries risks as well, and that’s why we are hoping that Lana’s PDA can slowly improve on its own without intervention.
I’ve been speaking a lot with the physicians and also the nurse practitioners. They are all rock stars in their fields, and therefore I try to listen to them as carefully as possible. They have been adamant about not googling things on the internet because there is very sparse information, and the ones that are there may not be accurate. "Stay away from the internet", I remember one of the nurse practitioners tell me. So naturally, as soon as I got home I started googling everything under the sun…
As they had warned me, I ran into a lot of articles that raised my anxiety even more so. Some of which I already expected, and some just made me worry to a greater degree. However, I did run across some comforting information as well. Studies do show that babies with involved families tend to have an advantage. No one is really sure as to how or why this works, but being in the medical field myself, I know that there are plenty of things in medicine that science has no explanation for.
We figured that although we aren’t always able to hold her or touch her, at least can remind her that her family is always here. We decorated her room with our family photos, and all the things we plan to do with her once she’s ready to come home. Whenever she opens her eyes, we want her to know that life is always worth fighting for.
We can do all the outdoor stuff that you want to do Lana...
Or if you don't feel like it, we can just play indoors too!