"But why the rubber band? It representing the struggle man." -T.I.
Thanks to my bff Dan Ly for making these #LanaStrong wristbands. All the staff here in the NICU love it! Also, we just want to say a big "THANK YOU", to everyone for wearing these bands. It means so much to us that you all have been keeping Lana in your thoughts and prayers. Tomorrow will be a little over 4 months in the #NICU, but these bands reminds us to appreciate how much she has accomplished. #gratitude
Lana is finally off her Nitric Oxide and is now weaning off her Oxygen. She started at 98% FiO2, and is now down to 38%. So essentially, she's needing less and less Oxygen which is great news! Hopefully, she can soon get extubated and get her breathing tube removed, but that she'll be ready when she's ready. We'll keep praying that she'll grow into her own. =)
Here is Lana doing exactly what she's not supposed to do and picking her head up while intubated
Please continue to pray for Lana and keep her in your thoughts. She's been a trooper this whole time, and despite of what we're going through, we try to remind ourselves to be thankful for what we DO have. God has continued to watch our family and give us His blessings. He has also continued to give us the strength we need to become better parents. Our perspective of what truly matters have shifted so much since our first day in the NICU. We realize how fortunate we are to have friends and family who are so supportive. They say it takes a village to raise a child... well our crew rolls deep. =)