Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more. - Louis L'Amour

Today is a special day because Lana was baptized. The NICU was kind enough to make accommodations for our small celebration, and Lana’s nurse and respiratory therapist (Sommy & Raymond) also graced us with their presence. It was a quick ceremony but it was still just as momentous.
Right now, Lana is under minimal stimulation. We are careful not to agitate her because it could potentially aggravate her pulmonary hypertension. Therefore, we have to speak quietly and dim the lights low. When they have to do examinations or procedures, her eyes have to be covered. The video below shows her High Frequency Oscillatory Vent (HFOV) in action. And yes, it looks and sounds like a washing machine from the 1980's.

Lana had another ECHO done yesterday, and her pulmonary pressures seem to have declined significantly. We're hoping that this is another small victory she can hang on to. Her chest X-ray is still hazy, but it's actually a small improvement from the prior x-ray.

Thanks to Raymond and Dr.Benavidez for delicately extubating and then re-intubating Lana so that air leakage from the vents were minimized. 

Thanks to Raymond and Dr.Benavidez for delicately extubating and then re-intubating Lana so that air leakage from the vents were minimized. 

The plan is to slowly wean her off Oxygen as long as she is able to keep a good saturation. This will be a long process and will require a lot of tactfulness and patience. TIme will be her best medicine.

Hailey doing her homework next to Lana.

Hailey doing her homework next to Lana.

I can't say this enough, but THANK YOU for all the support you have given us. Every prayer, any small gesture, and even the quickest of kind words fill our hearts. We are grateful for all the wonderful people that surround us. We are blessed.