Miracles never cease
Lana went to her cardiologist today for the first time since her discharge. She had another ECHO done and an EKG as well. Her physician reviewed the results before coming to our room. He paused at the door for a second and then started off with, “It’s really quite miraculous to see her progress”. He stated that it’s almost as if nothing ever happened to her. No PDA, no PFO, and no pulmonary hypertension. Aside from a minor irregularity in the right side of her heart, you couldn't even tell it apart from any other baby’s heart. As if those big gaping holes never existed.
I still feel uneasy talking about how sick she was. There were several moments where she was so close to not being alive that we would spend many hours sitting right next to her while praying in silence. The sounds of alarms and the ventilators would fill the room, and although she was sedated, we hoped that on the moments we would speak to her that she could hear us, and know that we are always by her side.
Her cardiologist told us today that he would keep a copy of her charts and her results from today to show training physicians that there is always hope. That even in the bleakest of moments, we should always have faith. Patience, persistence, and plenty or prayers.
Furthermore, since she has been doing better with her pulmonary hypertension, her cardiologist thought it would be a good time to start weaning her off sildenafil (aka Viagra). Now although I'm not a drug expert or anything, I try to keep things in order if possible. This is her current list of daily medications.
We'll try to keep things on schedule. =)
As always, thank you again to everyone who has supported Lana and our whole family through this journey. We've been blessed to be surrounded with friends and family have been giving us their unwavering support in so many different ways. We are forever indebted. Thank you!